

“arcturus, the guard.” story for pineapple zine. published 6/5/2022.

the guider of souls: dennis by matt kulisch.” feature for favorite hunks blog. published 4/5/2021.

issue 14 feature. interview for factszine. published 7/2020.

meet matt kulisch: hollywood stories.” interview for voyagela. published 10/2019.
the names which stem from them.” exclusive for pineapple zine. published 02/28/2019.

"king of the sandcastle." exclusive for y-not magazine. published 8/1/2018.
"boy against the winter gods." photo essay for pornceptual. published 5/5/2018.
"where the end begins." exclusive for desire homme. featuring queer dj, howin wong. published 01/2018.

"the intersection of fig & song." editorial for twisted male magazine. published 10/2017.
"venus as a boy." interview for y-not magazine. published 10/2017.
"i hardly know you anymore." exclusive for pansy magazine. published 6/2017.
"drawing upon." exclusive for pineapple zine. published 1/18/2017.
"the josiah i see." feature for favorite hunks blog. published 1/4/2017.

"burn at sunset." exclusive for sdp. featuring actor/director, derek villanueva. published 6/21/2016.
"the edgeling." exclusive for fashionably male. featuring actor/director, derek villanueva. published 6/21/2016.

hypnopompia III. digital/print. published 6/2015.
gorgeous freaks magazineissue 41. digital/print. published 6/2015. 
gorgeous freaks magazine, issue 33. digital/print. published 10/2014. 
spit & spirit magazine, #6. sex (bodies) issue. link
"samuel boux by matt kulisch." feature for favorite hunks blog. published 10/25/2010.